Workshops W01-W06 should be booked if you attending these in-person. You may choose one workshop on Wednesday, 28th September (W01, W02) and one on Thursday, September 29th (W03, W04, W05, W06).
W01: Proceso de Digitalización y Almacenamiento Digital (in Spanish)
Wednesday, 28 September, 09:00-12:30. Open to all online attendees. Booking required if in person (capacity: 80 persons).
Speakers: José Luis Cedeño Ruiz, Rodolfo Delgado Baumgarten, Pablo Gallardo Lozano, Daniel Barrera Arambarri, Leonora Espinoza (Fonoteca Nacional de México)
Intensive workshop dedicated to specialized training for the digitization process of sound media. The participant will learn the proper methodology to carry out the A/D conversion of sound supports. He/she will be able to apply good practices in the maintenance of the working equipment, analog capture and ingest of digital files in a mass storage system.
With the passage of time, our attention as humanity has recognized the growing need to rescue the memory of our peoples and cultures that has been contained in various types of sound materials. In this race against time, every day it is more difficult to rescue the valuable contents of these supports. Due to our evolution as humanity and with the technological development, we have been able to consolidate diagnoses, techniques and methodologies, dedicated to the rescue and safeguarding of these materials, although there will always be a constant search for formats and systems that ensure the continuity of this sound memory contained in the supports.
The specialists of the Fonoteca Nacional have been dedicated for more than a decade to the safeguarding of Mexico's sound memory, developing a precise methodology nourished by the diverse experiences that other sister institutions have been kind enough to point out and share.
Fonoteca Nacional makes available the practical and technical knowledge that it has implemented in its daily work process to anyone who wants to learn and reaffirm the specialized knowledge in the digitization of sound supports.
W02: Disability, Chronic Illness, Neurodiversity and the Moving Image: Strategies for a More Inclusive Archive (in English)
Wednesday, 28 September, 09:00-12.30. In-person only. Booking required (capacity: 25 persons).
Speakers: Michael Marlatt (York University)
Disabled film archivist and archival accessibility advocate Michael Marlatt leads this 3-hour workshop on moving image archival accessibility. This workshop looks to work with conference participants on how to make their archival institutions a more accessible and welcoming space for disability, chronic illness, and neurodiversity. This workshop includes accessibility strategies that not only benefit the user but also the archivist. The workshop will be split up into different topics. These include “programming”, “metadata and cataloguing”, “accessible spaces”, and “equitable hiring practises”. Each section will be divided into segments, where Michael introduces each theme and its current relationship to accessibility. Michael will address questions, discuss strategies for inclusion, while also opening the floor to any of the participants. As this workshop is interactive this gives participants the opportunity to share strategies that are being implemented in their own institutions. This is particularly useful as IASA is international in scope, allowing the opportunity to come at the subject of accessibility from various global accessibility legislation.
W03: Procesos y herramientas para la catalogación de documentos sonoros (in Spanish) *FULLY BOOKED*
Thursday, 29 September, 09:00-10:30. In-person only. Booking required (capacity: 10 persons).
Speakers: Ana Leonora Manríquez Zepeda (Fonoteca Nacional de México)
The sound document is an information medium made up of two elements: the sound content and the support on which it is presented. Between the presentation and the content, the diversity and particular characteristics are too many, since the variety of formats and supports is very wide, such as analog discs, open reel tapes, cassettes, compact discs, DVDs, digital audio, among many others; and each of these formats has different characteristics. On the other hand, the contents can be musical, voice, radio or sounds in general. All the aforementioned elements generate a level of complexity for the cataloging of these materials. The present course seeks to show the necessary processes for cataloguing, as well as to offer the tools that facilitate and generate a complete and clear cataloguing record on the handling and description of sound documents. This will be based on the experience of cataloguing the different types of materials and content with which the Fonoteca Nacional de México works.
W04: Recuperación del casete como parte de la memoria sonora (in Spanish)
Thursday, 29 September, 09:00-12:30. In-person only. Booking required (capacity: 25 persons).
Speakers: Celene Eslava Rojas (Fonoteca Nacional de México)
The cassette emerged in the early 1960s as a response to the problem of moving magnetic tape recorders/players, but it was not until 1980 that it had a boom because the Philips company licensed it for free, which allowed it to have a wider distribution worldwide. Due to the boom of this new format, it was used as the main recording medium, both for home, professional and research purposes. Due to their fragility, type of material and poor storage, they are in danger of disappearing. This problem has generated the need to implement processes of recovery and stabilization of the support. The objective of this workshop is to train those interested in learning about the tools and specialized treatments for the preservation and recovery of cassettes.
W05: Audio preservation and digitisation workshop: Magnetic tapes (in English)
Thursday, September 29: 11:00-15:00. Booking required (capacity: 10 persons). *FULLY BOOKED*
Speakers: Nadja Wallaszkovits (Stuttgart Stata Academy of fine Arts)
The workshop will present common problems of restoring and digitising audio carriers, such as magnetic tapes. From gaining playability of deteriorates tapes, to equipment choice and correct replay, to issues of digital restoration, a number of examples will be outlined, and common problems will be covered in depth. Correct alignment of analogue tape machines will be presented as well, with a special focus on the replay path. The participants will have the chance to ask questions and discuss the various problems in daily audio preservation work.
W06: Conservación y estabilización de soportes sonoros (in Spanish)
Thursday, September 29: 13:30-15:00. In-person only. Booking required (capacity: 25 persons). *FULLY BOOKED*
Speakers: María Teresa Ortiz Arellano, Ernesto Gutierrez Castillo, Carlos Andrés Vaca Anaya
In the field of conservation there are actions that allow to avoid or minimize future deterioration or loss of documents. In this way to achieve the permanence and access of the contents it is necessary to obtain a better digitalization, through the stabilization of the sound supports with conservation treatments, such as: the baking of tapes, humidification in dry tapes, manual washing of discs and in washing machine, it is for that reason that a workshop is offered with the basic knowledge to maintain in optimal state a sound collection, and from practical demonstrations, to teach how a sound document is conserved and how it is restored.
W07: From capture to replay: web archiving with webrecorder tools (in English and Spanish)
Online-only, pre-recorded. No booking required.
Speakers: Lorena Ramirez-Lopez, Jo Ana Morfin, Ilya Kreymer
Web archiving can take many forms, but usually involves fully capturing websites, storing the captured content, and faithfully reproducing, or replaying the archived sites. Since the web at its core consists of HTTP requests and responses, this process is often done at the HTTP traffic level to ensure full fidelity. One approach is to capture content through the web browser itself, capturing content right before it gets to the browser. This type of web archiving can be done by using the suite of open source tools to capture interactive websites and replay them at a later time as accurately as possible on one’s own computer. Webrecorder project builds tools that specialize in a ‘user-driven’ form of web archiving, where the user is able to direct the archiving process through their browser. The goal of Webrecorder has been to build quality open source tools to enable ‘web archiving for all’ to allow anyone with a browser to create their own web archives, and to accurately replay them at a later time. Through this workshop participants will gain a working knowledge on how web archiving works by using a simple web archiving process from capture to replay on users’ local computers by using two open-source tools from Webrecorder: and Both these tools combined create high-fidelity web archives using a basic workflow from capture to replay that participants can control, save, and embed onto other platforms. All the code can be viewed and accessed at
W08: Permisos para el acceso abierto: Taller de licenciamiento con Creative Commons (in Spanish)
Online-only, pre-recorded. No booking required.
Speakers: Irene Soria Guzmán, Iván Martínez
In this workshop, representatives of the Mexico Chapter of Creative Commons will explain the possibilities of these permissive licenses and their advantages for the sharing of knowledge, works and cultural objects on the Internet, as well as the "Copyleft" model versus the "Copyright" paradigm. We will also explore how to use these licenses and recommendations for good open access practices.