Some of the poster presentations may be downloaded here. For the full list of posters, see

Anotación semántica del audiovisual con datos estructurados y organización del conocimiento en el entorno web colaborativo"Semantic annotation of videos with structured data and knowledge organization in the collaborative web environment."
Denise Gomes Silva Morais Cavalcante
The research addresses semantic annotation with structured data and moving image indexing in the context of the semantic web. Audiovisual information is considered unstructured data because it does not have a predefined standard data model and requires treatment to be processed. Furthermore, audiovisual metadata for indexing moving images is mostly limited to descriptive metadata and often has little information about the concepts and themes represented in the image content. v

Herramientas para una gestión integral de archivos digitales 
David Antonio Flores Gómez
Within the processes of conservation and administration of the sound documents of the Fonoteca Nacional, the management and input of native digital audio has been identified as a new activity that is fundamental for the control and administration within the preservation processes. This has been a challenge for the institution due to the characteristics of this type of file. This poster will show the characteristics and tools for the identification and analysis of metadata, as well as the steps to follow for good administration and control of new digital income. Download poster.

El conocimiento de la historia de la grabación y los soportes sonoros para una mejor digitalización, catalogación y difusión del acervo de la Fonoteca
Guillermo Theo Hernández Villalobos

The preservation of the sound memory of a country implies a deep knowledge of the sound media, since the sound must be protected in some physical medium. Knowledge of the history of these formats helps to place a specific type of sound, that of a cassette for example, in a specific historical and social context, which is highly relevant at the time of digitization and listening, since we will know precisely and with technical arguments what are the scope and limits of the sound we are looking for. Contextualizing a specific type of sound in a certain social and temporal moment is essential to improve our processes and work methods. The present work is the presentation of a manual/summary of the evolution of physics and technology that gave basis for the invention of recording and reproduction methods throughout history. Download poster.

Quitando el velo del tiempo: El procedimiento de restauración digital en la Fonoteca Nacional
Julio Delgado, Fernanda Olmedo, Luis García

The natural process of deterioration of the materials from which the original carriers are made causes problems at the time of reproduction, to this is added the storage conditions of said media that leave their mark on each material. Each layer of deterioration weaves a veil that prevents the contemporary audience from having clear and direct access to the contents of each medium. At the Fonoteca Nacional, an interdisciplinary methodology is being developed whose fundamental axis is the documentary investigation of the context of the original recording in order to have firm foundations at the time of making the digital intervention. Download poster.